Posted Posted in Decoration Day

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday May 31, 1878 OUR HONORED DEAD. The National Holiday Religiously Observed in Dubuque. A Grand and Imposing Procession. The Chaplain’s Prayer, Remarks at the President and J. M. Griffith’s Address. Decoration day! Royal with tribute to the departed dead. A day which symbolizes the affection of an intelligent and loving people; […]


Posted Posted in Decoration Day

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Thursday May 30, 1878 DECORATION DAY. Its Public Observance by the People of Dubuque. The Programme of Exercises—Procession, Etc. Complete arrangements have been made for a fitting observance of this yearly solemn festival, and from indications manifested to our vigilant reporters, we are safe to say that the day will be celebrated […]

Dubuque Herald May 26, 1878 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in May 1878

The Dubuque Herald May 26, 1878 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, May 25, 1878. During the past 24 hours ending 3:40 p. m. the barometer over the Upper Mississippi valley shows slight changes of pressure, with generally lower temperature, prevailing northwest winds. And fair weather. Rainreported at Leavenworth and St. Louis. The Mississippi river has […]

Dubuque Herald May 25, 1878 Caught On The Fly

Posted Posted in May 1878

The Dubuque Herald May 25, 1878 Caught On The Fly DUBUQUE, May 24, 1878. During the past 24 hours ending 3:40 p. m. the barometer over the Mississippi valley,  shows a slight decrease of pressure, accompanied by a slight decrease of temperature, generally westerly winds, and fair weather. Light rain reported at Leavenworth. The Mississippi […]

Flagrante Delictu


The Dubuque Herald Saturday May 25, 1878 FLAGRANTE DELICTU. A Faithless Wife and Husband Traced to Epworth. And Arrested While Embraced in the  Arms of Love. Thursday evening a man by the name of  S. J. Roberts, residing in the vicinity of the Dubuque Cabinet Makers’ Association factory, rushed into the office of Col. Shattuck, […]