Shall Any of the Work Done on the City Streets be Let by Contract to the Lowest Bidder?

Posted Posted in City Council, Editorial: The Laborers Friend? 12 18 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday December 18, 1887 THE LABORERS FRIEND.  Shall Any of the Work Done on the City Streets be Let by Contract to the Lowest Bidder? The chairman of the committee on streets of the city council, Ald. Mulkern, insist on bossing the whole council whenever a question comes before it […]

 The High Bridge to Be Accepted or Rejected To-day—The Toll  Paid Ordinance Passed

Posted Posted in City Council, City Council Meeting 12 15 1887

The Dubuque Herald    Thursday December 15, 1887 CITY COUNCIL. John Mulkern Will Not Have Any Street Work Done by Contract.  The High Bridge to Be Accepted or Rejected To-day—The Toll  Paid Ordinance Passed The city council met yesterday afternoon in regular adjourned session, Mayor Voelker presiding. The reading of the minutes of the meeting held […]

The City Attorney Makes a Report for the Committee who Visited Milwaukee

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, City Council, Committee Report On Milwaukee Shops Removal 12 8 1887, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Herald    Thursday December 8, 1887 THE WISE MEN. The City Council Meets and Votes Itself $3,600.  The City Attorney Makes a Report for the Committee who Visited Milwaukee. MORNING SESSION. The council met at 9:40, Mayor Voelker presiding. The reading of the minutes of meeting for the month of November was, on motion, postponed. […]

 Conciliation and Concessions Advised If Any Concessions are Asked by the Road

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, City Council, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Friday December 2, 1887 THE SHOPS. A Large and Interested Audience at the City Council Chamber.  Conciliation and Concessions Advised If Any Conconcessions are Asked by the Road.  A Committee of the Mayor. Five Aldermen and Seven Citizens to Go to Milwaukee Sunday Morning.   Last evening. pursuant to the […]

THE CITY FINANCES—A Timely Communication of the Incapacity of the Council to Deal With

Posted Posted in City Council, City Council 1887, Incompetence 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday November 20, 1887 THE CITY FINANCES.  A Timely Communication of the Incapacity of the Council to Deal With Them Written by a Man Who Knows Whereof He Speaks.  To the Editor of the Dubuque Herald. Although the city taxes for 1887 will not become delinquent nor bear interest until February […]

Another Showing Up of the City Council and Its Strange Methods of Procedure

Posted Posted in City Council, City Council 1887, Council Secrecy 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday November 20, 1887 SECRET GOVERNMENT.  Another Showing Up of the City Council and Its Strange Methods of Procedure. In a session of the council held not long since it was announced that a member of the police force had been discharged. In making the announcement to the city council […]

The Sparrow Must Go—A Large Amount of Routine Business Transacted.

Posted Posted in City Council, Routine Council Meeting 11 14 1887

The Dubuque Herald    Tuesday November 15, 1887 CITY COUNCIL. Some Minor Officials Elected and the Contract Let for Gasoline Lamps.  The Sparrow Must Go—A Large Amount of Routine Business Transacted. The city council met yesterday afternoon (November 14, 1887) in regular adjourned session. Mayor Voelker in the chair, and all the aldermen being present. The […]

 The High Bridge Matter  Brought up and also Matter of the Approach at Last  Settled—The New Fire Alarm System Accepted.

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Fire Alarm 1887, Fire Department, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge

The Dubuque Herald    Friday October 28, 1887 CITY COUNCIL  The High Bridge Matter  Brought up and also Matter of the Approach at Last  Settled—The New Fire Alarm System Accepted. Council met last evening in special session, the mayor and all the alderman being present. The city attorney stated that the mayor, Aldermen Hayden and Doerfler […]

The Approach to the High Bridge

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, High Bridge Approach 1887, The High Bridge, The High Bridge 1887, The Wagon Bridge

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Friday October 21, 1887 (Excerpted from City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 1887) CITY COUNCIL. The Approach to the High Bridge—Gen. Booth at the Meeting. An adjourned special session of the council was held last evening, and the Mayor and Alds. Kenneally, Hayden, Mulkern, Trexler, Kleinschmidt and Rand were present. The […]

A Few Minor Officers Appointed—The City Rejects Bids for Street Work

Posted Posted in City Council, Fire Alarm 1887, Fire Department, High Bridge 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday October 11, 1887 CITY COUNCIL  A Few Minor Officers Appointed—The City Rejects Bids for Street Work and Elects to do the Work by Day Labor. Council met last night at 7:45 in adjourned regular session. In the absence of Mayor Voelker, the chair was occupied by mayor pro tem. […]