In a Business Point of View the Milwaukee Road Could Not Afford to Remove the Shops.

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Knights of Labor, Milwaukee Shops Labor 1887, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Wednesday December 7, 1887 THE SITUATION. What Some of the Prominent Business Men of the City Say. In a Business Point of View the Milwaukee Road Could Not Afford to Remove the Shops. The principal topic of conversation on the streets still is the possible removal of the Milwaukee shops […]

The Committee of Aldermen and Citizens Leave for Milwaukee

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Knights of Labor, Milwaukee Shops Labor 1887, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday December 4, 1887 THE SHOPS. The Committee of Aldermen and Citizens Leave for Milwaukee. The Inconvenience of Location Probably the Cause of the Action of the Company. The committee appointed to go to ,Mil­waukee to interview the officials of the road determined to leave last night instead of this […]

Some of the Reasons Assigned for the Order of’ Discharge Issued by the Company

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, Knights of Labor, Milwaukee Shops Labor 1887, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Friday December 2, 1887 UNEMPLOYED.  Some of the Reasons Assigned for the Order of’ Discharge Issued by the Company. The main topic of conversation on the streets yesterday was the threatened removal of the Milwaukee shops from the city. Various causes were assigned for this action on the part of the […]

THE CITY FINANCES—A Timely Communication of the Incapacity of the Council to Deal With

Posted Posted in City Council, City Council 1887, Incompetence 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday November 20, 1887 THE CITY FINANCES.  A Timely Communication of the Incapacity of the Council to Deal With Them Written by a Man Who Knows Whereof He Speaks.  To the Editor of the Dubuque Herald. Although the city taxes for 1887 will not become delinquent nor bear interest until February […]

Another Showing Up of the City Council and Its Strange Methods of Procedure

Posted Posted in City Council, City Council 1887, Council Secrecy 1887, Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday November 20, 1887 SECRET GOVERNMENT.  Another Showing Up of the City Council and Its Strange Methods of Procedure. In a session of the council held not long since it was announced that a member of the police force had been discharged. In making the announcement to the city council […]

An Exposition of the Relative Positions of Labor and Capital

Posted Posted in Knights of Labor

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Sunday November 13, 1887 THE LABOR PROBLEM. An Exposition of the Relative Positions of Labor and Capital.  Legislation Advised and the Benefits of Co-operation Shown.  A Paying Audience Listens to a Political Harangue at the Close of an Interesting Lecture. Last evening a fair sized audience gathered in the Universalist […]

“Bounce Out the Politicians.”

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday November 6, 1887 “Bounce Out the Politicians.” The leaders of the Union Labor party in their papers, their speeches and their campaigning say they want to free the public offices from politicians, that they themselves are no politicians, and not used to the ways of politics, and so on. This […]

What the Knights Should Consider

Posted Posted in County Election 1887, Failure To Govern 1887, Knights of Labor, Opposition To K of L 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday November 6, 1887 What the Knights Should Consider.  Because the Herald does not believe that the best interests of the people of Dubuque and their city will not only not be benefited by the supremacy of a little coterie of a few men who call themselves the Union Labor party […]