A Decision Which Involves Some of the Points in the Dubuque Cases

Posted Posted in C. M. & St. Paul, I. C., Railroads, Switching Charges

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Wednesday December 14, 1887 SWITCHING CHARGES.  A Decision Which Involves Some of the Points in the Dubuque Cases.  On Monday morning, Judge Nelson  delivered an opinion in the United States circuit court at St. Paul, which is of great local interest. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul brought a bill […]

 Some of the Reasons Why the Railroad Officials Should Not Object to a Determination of their Rights

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. M. & St. Paul, I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Thursday December 8, 1887 THAT REPORT. It is Liable to Be Unsatisfactory to Some.  Some of the Reasons Why the Railroad Officials Should Not Object to a Determination of their Rights. The report read at the meeting of the city council yesterday, as the report of the  committee who  visited  […]

The D. and S. C. Seeks Judicial Opinion on the Lease  with the Cedar Falls and Minnesota

Posted Posted in Cedar Falls and Minnesota, I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday December 4, 1887 AN IMPORTANT CASE. The D. and S. C. Seeks Judicial Opinion on the Lease  with the Cedar Falls and Minnesota.  A Theory of the Making of the Lease and How it Has Heretofore Worked.  Last evening a bill in chancery was filed in the district court which may […]

The Present Bridge to Become Virtually the Illinois Central Bridge on the 1st of January

Posted Posted in I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Wednesday November 23, 1887 DUNLEITH & DUBUQUE BRIDGE.  The Present Bridge to Become Virtually the Illinois Central Bridge on the 1st of January.  As intimated in yesterday’s Herald, the Illinois Central management will after the 1st of January control and practically own the present Dunleith and Dubuque bridge. This involves a […]

Dubuque and Sioux City Acquiesce With the Offers of the Illinois Central Company.

Posted Posted in Dubuque-Sioux City, I. C., Railroads

The Dubuque Daily Herald      Saturday April 9, 1887 THE END APPROACHING. The Railroad Litigation Once More Continued. Probably to be Dismissed. Dubuque and Sioux City Acquiesce With the Offers of the Illinois Central Company. In the Illinois Central-Dubuque and Sioux City deal yesterday startling developments were made. When the case was called before Judge […]