The Council’s Committee Goes Into Secret Session

Posted Posted in C. B. & N., C. B. N. Right of Way 1886, City Council, Misc News Janury 4 1878, Railroads

The Dubuque Herald Saturday February 6, 1886 Mr. Knight In Reply to Mr. Maclay. To the Editor of the Daily Herald. Permit me a portion of your space for a few words in reply to Mr. J. Maclay. He wrongs his own intelligence and does me an injustice in the construction he places on what I […]

Misc. News and Tidbits

Posted Posted in Anecdotes, Misc News Janury 4 1878

The Dubuque Herald January  4, 1878 ADULTERY. The New Criminal Record of Dubuque Opens Badly. Beer, Bullets and Black Eyes, Garnished With Pistol Shots.  A New Fledged Clerk Skips Out With $375 of His Employer’s Stamps. He is Pursued by the Victim’s Brother-in-Law, Who Loiters by the Way and Will Probably Lose His Game. A […]