An Incompetent Council.

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday October 2, 1887 An Incompetent Council. We shall evidently have no sewerage in Dubuque this year or until we get another council. Four weeks ago the construction of the system was on the very verge of being begun, now the whole matter is indefinitely postponed. For several years some of […]

Its Opponents Were Out In Force, and Its Friends Stayed at Home—A Majority of 1024 Against

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Saturday October 1, 1887 THE SEWERAGE ELECTION.  Its Opponents Were Out In Force, and Its Friends Stayed at Home—A Majority of 1024 Against. As was expected, a light vote was polled at the sewerage election yesterday. Most of the people desirous of the sewerage evidently remained at home, but the opposition […]

What Mr. Tschirgi Says About the Important Subject

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Wednesday September 28, 1887 THE SEWERAGE. What Mr. Tschirgi Says About the Important Subject. Practical and Theoretical Comparisons of the Two Plans, as Prepared by Engineers Tschirgi and Davis.   Some of the council were so anxious that an outside engineer be employed to approve the Chesbrough and Warring plans for the […]

The Sewerage Question to be Put Off and Submitted to a Vote of the People

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald    Saturday September 24, 1887 TIMIDITY Enters Largely Into the Make Up of the Present City Council. Eight or Ten Back-Bones Could Find Ready Sale in This Section of the Country. The Sewerage Question to be Put Off and Submitted to a Vote of the People. The Tax Levy Made the Same as […]

Describes the Action of the Council Upon the Sewerage Question

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald     Sunday September 18, 1887 DILATORY. Describes the Action of the Council Upon the Sewerage Question. Engineer Davis Explains His Plans to a Meeting of the Council. A Change in the Ordinance Ordered—An Estimate of the Cost in the First District. Seven alderman were present at the meeting, as follows: Byrne, Kenneally, […]

Will Employ Mr. Chester B. Davis to Look Over the Plans and Make the Specifications

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Sunday September 11, 1887 CITY SEWERAGE. The City Council Determine to Make No Mistake in the Matter. And Will Employ Mr. Chester B. Davis to Look Over the Plans and Make the Specifications. The city council held a called meeting yesterday morning at which the following proposition was presented by Mr. […]

Expert Engineer Chester B. Davis Here to Examine the City and the Plans of  the System

Posted Posted in 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday September 10, 1887 THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM.  Expert Engineer Chester B. Davis Here to Examine the City and the Plans of  the System. Mr. Chester B. Davis, sanitary engineer of Chicano. and Contractor Doyle, of Cedar Rapids, arrived here yesterday morning, and attended a meeting at the city hall of the council’s […]

The Time of Letting the Sewerage Contract Extended Ten Days.

Posted Posted in 1887, City Council, Sewerage Issue 1887, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Herald     Tuesday September 6, 1887 A LONG SESSION. The City Council Attend to Much Business in a Full Day and Evening. The Time of Letting the Sewerage Contract Extended Ten Days. The Day‘s Work System of Performing Street Work Reported to be a Complete Success.  All the alderman save Haydon were present. […]