The People of Canton, Ozark, Monmouth and Baldwin Send Delegates of Greeting.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Friday September 16, 1887 JOINING HANDS. The People of Canton, Ozark, Monmouth and Baldwin Send Delegates of Greeting. And Stand Ready With Outstretched Hands to Welcome Dubuque. To An Entrance to Their Towns Via. the Dubuque, Kansas City and Southwestern. Yesterday afternoon the delegates appointed at the meeting in Canton as […]

THE D., K. C. & S. W. — A Large Delegation Here to Confer with Our People in Relation Thereto.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Thursday September 15, 1887 THE D., K. C. & S. W.  A Large Delegation Here to Confer with Our People in Relation Thereto. A Meeting to be Held This Evening at the Commercial Club Rooms at 7:30 O’Clock. As announced in our columns some time ago there was a meeting held […]

The Directors of the New Road to Kansas City Meet and Fully Organize

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Thursday September 8, 1887 ORGANIZED. The Directors of the New Road to Kansas City Meet and Fully Organize. A Portion of the Plans of the Company—Depot Grounds at the Foot of Main Street. The directors of the Dubuque, Kansas City and Southwestern Railway company met last evening at the office of […]

Dubuque Herald September 7, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in News In Brief, Railroads, September 1887, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Herald September 7, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., September 7, 1:30 a. m.} Indications—For Iowa: Generally cooler, fair weather, light to fresh winds, generally shifting to southeasterly. STAGE OF WATER, at 1 p m in feet and tenths, and change in 24 hours                                                                              […]

Dubuque Herald September 4, 1887 Local News In Brief

Posted Posted in News In Brief, Railroads, September 1887, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Herald September 4, 1887 Local News In Brief OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER,} WASHINGTON, D. C., September 4, 1:30 a. m.} Indications —For Iowa: Warm, threatening weather, local rains, light to fresh southeasterly winds with increasing force.  STAGE OF WATER, at 1 p m in feet and tenths, and change in 24 […]

Articles of Incorporation Filed With the Recorder

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald   Tuesday August 30, 1887 THE NEW LINE.  Articles of Incorporation of the DuDubnquc, Kansas City and Southwestern Filed With the Recorder—The Directory to Meet in a Few Days.  Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday with the recorder for the Dubuque, Kansas Cit and Southwestern Railway. The incorporators are J. P. Farley, […]

The Perfectly Legitimate and Extremely Healthy Child  Born, Christened and Prepared to Grow

Posted Posted in 1887, D., K. C. & S. W., Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday August 23, 1887 D., K. C. & S. W. The Perfectly Legitimate and Extremely Healthy Child  Born, Christened and Prepared to Grow. The Railway Construction Committee Hold a Very Interesting Meeting. Articles of Incorporation Adopted and a Strong First Directory Elected. One of the Works of the Board of Trade and of Dubuque Citizens […]

The Feeling Among the Business Men of the City Strongly in Favor of Pushing the Matter.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday August 14, 1887 DUBUQUE & SOUTHWESTERN. The Feeling Among the Business Men of the City Strongly in Favor of Pushing the Matter. An Encouraging Letter from a Town which Desires to Have the Line Through It. In talking with many of the prominent business men yesterday it was found that the project […]

The Railroad Project to Kansas City and the Southwest Receives Daily Encouragement.

Posted Posted in Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Friday August 26, 1887 THE SOUTHWESTERN. The Railroad Project to Kansas City and the Southwest Receives Daily Encouragement. Letters Received Daily Promising Aid and Encouragement to the Line. Mr. B. J. O’Neil was seen yesterday upon the street, and in response to the question, “How are they coming out with the new […]