The Board of Trade—Particulars of the Milwaukee Interview.

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald      Friday December 30, 1887 THE SHOPS.  The Board of Trade—Particulars of the Milwaukee Interview. Mr. Miller’s Caustic Arraignment of the Board—Admirable Temper of the Committee. Strong and Vigorous Presentation of their Case—Conclusions Manfully Stated.   To the Members of the Board of Trade of Dubuque: Your committee, appointed by your Board […]

Board of Trade Committee

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Wednesday December 21, 1887 Board of Trade Committee. Chicago Times: Messrs. George B. Burch, W. H. Day, J. H. Lull, W. H. Torbert, William Andrew, Horace Poole, and C. W. Mitchell, a delegation from the board of trade of Dubuque, arrived at the Grand Pacific hotel last evening. These gentle men […]

Pass Resolutions in Reference to the Milwaukee Shops Matter

Posted Posted in 1887, C. M. & St. Paul, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Repair Shops Removal 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald     Tuesday December 13, 1887 THE BOARD OF TRADE.  Pass Resolutions in Reference to the Milwaukee Shops Matter.  A Committee to Go to Milwaukee to Settle Any Differences and Urge the Schullsburgh Extension. The directory of the Board of Trade of the city met last yesterday afternoon in regular meeting and discussed […]

 An Interesting Meeting Last Night—Dubuque to be Represented at Washington on the Hearing of the Thurber Case

Posted Posted in 1887, Dubuque Board Of Trade

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Saturday October 8, 1887 BOARD OF TRADE.  An Interesting Meeting Last Night—Dubuque to be Represented at Washington on the Hearing of the Thurber Case. The board of directors of the Dubuque board of trade held their weekly meeting yesterday afternoon, when several matters looking to the material interests of this city […]

An Interesting Meeting of the Directors Yesterday Afternoon

Posted Posted in 1887, Dubuque Board Of Trade

The Dubuque Herald       Saturday October 1, 1887 BOARD OF TRADE. An Interesting Meeting of the Directors Yesterday Afternoon.  Several New Enterprises Figuring to Locate Here—Some of Them Closed With. Since his return from the east Secretary McMaster has been kept very busy answering letters from parties in various parts of the country, some of […]

The Directors Hold Their Regular Meeting—All Committees Hard at Work

Posted Posted in 1887, Dubuque Board Of Trade

The Dubuque Herald      Sunday September 11, 1887 THE BOARD OF TRADE.  The Directors Hold Their Regular Meeting—All Committees Hard at Work. The regular meeting of the directory of the Dubuque board of trade was held yesterday afternoon at the secretary’s office. Bills were and ted and ordered paid. Secretary McMaster reported upon his recent trip […]

The Action of the Dubuque Board of Trade Being Followed by Other Boards and Conventions

Posted Posted in 1887

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday August 28, 1887 THE RIGHT STEP. The Action of the Dubuque Board of Trade Being Followed by Other Boards and Conventions. The Board to Have Printed Numberless Circulars for Circulation in the State—Other Board Matters. The action taken by the Dubuque board of trade in their recent denunciation of the methods of […]

The Perfectly Legitimate and Extremely Healthy Child  Born, Christened and Prepared to Grow

Posted Posted in 1887, D., K. C. & S. W., Dubuque Board Of Trade, Railroads, Southwestern Railroad

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Tuesday August 23, 1887 D., K. C. & S. W. The Perfectly Legitimate and Extremely Healthy Child  Born, Christened and Prepared to Grow. The Railway Construction Committee Hold a Very Interesting Meeting. Articles of Incorporation Adopted and a Strong First Directory Elected. One of the Works of the Board of Trade and of Dubuque Citizens […]

A Special Meeting Called to Hear and Adopt the Report on the City Sewerage Matter

Posted Posted in 1887, 1887, Dubuque Board Of Trade, Sewerage System

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Saturday August 20, 1887 BOARD OF TRADE. A Special Meeting Called to Hear and Adopt the Report on the City Sewerage Matter. A Committee of Sixteen Appointed to Present the Resolutions to the City Council. An Address Adopted and Resolution Passed for Presentation to Legislative Conventions. A Committee Provided to Meet the […]