What Will Congress Do for the Improvement of the Mississippi?

Posted Posted in River Improvements 1887, The Mississippi

The Dubuque Daily Herald    Friday December 16, 1887 RIVER COMMERCE. What Will Congress Do for the Improvement of the Mississippi? Dubuque an Important Point in the Commerce of the River. Upon the opening of congress, the question of what the law makers at Washington may do in reference to the improvement of the Mississippi river […]

The Big Advantage That Water Transportation Gives Dubuque

Posted Posted in River Improvements 1887, The Mississippi

Dubuque Daily Herald    Thursday November 24, 1887 THE RIVER. The Big Advantage That Water Transportation Gives Dubuque. It Compels Low Rates——Dubuque the Coming Big Midway City on the Upper River. A Grand Factor in Dubuque’s Commercial and Manufacturing Superiority Over Interior Points. While glorifying over the High bridge which will add so much to Dubuque’s […]

The Important Part the Mississippi Plays in Dubuque Commerc

Posted Posted in Dubuque Statistics, The Mississippi

Dubuque Semi-Centennial Herald  May 9, 1886 THE RIVER. The Important Part the Mississippi Plays in Dubuque Commerce. It Gives Low Rates of Itself and Compels the Railroads to Do Likewise. Dubuque the Most Important River Headquarter on the Upper Mississippi. One of the strongest points about the the advantage of Dubuque as a commercial point is […]

The Hennepin Canal Route

Posted Posted in The Mississippi

The Dubuque Daily Herald Sunday March 7, 1886 The Hennepin Canal Route. If the Hennepin canal is to be built it should be by the cheapest and most practicable route as regards construction and more particularly by that route which will afford the cheapest transportation and will best benefit the upper Mississippi trade and the shipments […]

Dubuque’s Advantage

Posted Posted in The Mississippi

The Dubuque Daily Herald  Sunday January 17, 1886 Dubuque’s Advantage.  One of the greatest of Dubuque’s advantages as a jobbing, manufacturing and commercial city, is its position on the river. It is an advantage which does not receive the credit it deserves, though shippers should appreciate it at the close of navigation every November 15th, […]